Unlimited high-speed, low-latency internet/unlimited mobile data on land:
*See Specifications at www.starlink.com/legal for information on speeds. (By going to this site, you are entering a site hosted and operated by Starlink. Please review their Privacy Policy. All personal information you provide is subject to that Privacy Policy. Different terms and conditions may apply.) Starlink users typically see download speeds between 25 and 220 Mbps, with most users seeing speeds over 100 Mbps, and upload speeds between 5 and 20 Mbps. Performance varies based on location, time of day and the priority associated with your service plan. Latency ranges between 25 and 50ms in most regions on land, and on the ocean latency can reach 100+ms. During times of peak network congestion or times of high data consumption, speeds can decrease below these ranges.
Network priority:
*Priority and Priority Mobile users will be given network precedence over Standard users, and Standard users over Mobile users. Higher network priority users will experience faster and more consistent download and upload speeds, especially during times of peak use. See Fair Use Policy at www.starlink.com/legal for more information. (By going to this site, you are entering a site hosted and operated by Starlink. Please review their Privacy Policy. All personal information you provide is subject to that Privacy Policy. Different terms and conditions may apply.)
In-motion and ocean use:
*Mobile Priority use on the ocean or in motion is dependent on country authorization. See approved markets: https://support.starlink.com/?topic=9eb841b3-2e43-a6fb-ecc7-ea58fb5600b5. In motion use is only designated for Flat High Performance hardware and in approved countries, as seen in specs. (By going to support.starlink.com, you are entering a site hosted and operated by Starlink. Please review their Privacy Policy. All personal information you provide is subject to that Privacy Policy. Different terms and conditions may apply.)
Monthly service plans (USD):
*Pricing and plans shown are reflective of the US. Pricing will vary by market based on currency, taxes, and other local market conditions.
Personal Roam 50 GB monthly service plan:
Users on Roam 50 GB are limited to 50 GB of data and can pay by the GB for additional data. For limitations on international travel, coastal coverage, in-motion use, and full terms and conditions, please see https://www.starlink.com/support/article/dd5b43b5-20e1-b29b-2d7d-a7ffd0541988. (By going to this site, you are entering a site hosted and operated by Starlink. Please review their Privacy Policy. All personal information you provide is subject to that Privacy Policy. Different terms and conditions may apply.)
Land mobility monthly service plans:
Additional Mobile Priority Data available by the GB.
Fixed site unlimited standard data:
Unlimited Standard Data after Priority allotment.
Business monthly service plans:
Additional Mobile Priority Data available by the GB.