1-10 of 13 Answers
Mine only lasts 1-2 weeks on my inside cam. Very disappointing when Ring says 6-12 months! Can’t really tighten the zones much as it covers a 15 ft area. Plus what good is it if you can’t capture all the motion?
Sorry, there was a problem. Please try again later.I have the same problem. I have the settings set to the smallest area and still has to be replaced every four weeks at the most.
Sorry, there was a problem. Please try again later.Yes. Mine picks up everything even with the parameters very tight - causing the battery to run out fast.
Sorry, there was a problem. Please try again later.Try adjusting your motion.
Sorry, there was a problem. Please try again later.You may need to adjust your notification sensitivity. If it is high and your close to a road it will continously trigger and run the battery dead. My battery lasts about 2 months per charge depending on how much traffic I have in front of my house
Sorry, there was a problem. Please try again later.Turn you motions down
Sorry, there was a problem. Please try again later.I have had my spotlight for quite some time now and the battery lasts at least a week or more. Have you checked your settings? Do you leave the light on all the time or just when there is motion? Leaving the light on or setting sensitivity too high can drain the battery If not, then you either have a defective battery or unit. I would contact customer service
Sorry, there was a problem. Please try again later.Might be in your settings or in your motion setting and could be its in a high traffic area
Sorry, there was a problem. Please try again later.You may have your motion detection set very high, try to adjust to lower sensitivity
Sorry, there was a problem. Please try again later.Change the motion to right in front of your house
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