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“Device's sensitivity to hear I have a problem and I am hoping this device will solve that problem: I live in an apartment. The wall in my bedroom is shared with a neighbor who makes strange unexplainable sounds at ungodly hours of the night interrupting my sleep. Because I can't describe what I am hearing (because the sounds are so odd in nature), apartment management won't do anything and requires a sound file so that they can hear what I am hearing in order to address the issue with the offending tenant. I have attempted to use sound activated apps on my Samsung Galaxy s5, but these apps and or the smartphone do not have the sensitivity to pick up the noise coming from behind the wall. My human ears have no problem at all, but a smartphone seems to be hard of hearing. My question for experienced users of this device: In your opinion, base on your use experience, regardless of what you personally have used the device for, do you think, this device if placed within two or less inches next to wall will have the sensitivity to hear and record the sounds on the other side of the wall with clarity as my human ear hears it? I appreciate your time and feedback.”

Asked by James 
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