Store Your Cards in Style! Store up to 60 of your latest and greatest Pokémon cards in this mini portfolio. Each portfolio comes with a booster pack from the new Pokémon TCG: Scarlet & Violet expansion, so you can start filling it up right away!
With this mini portfolio:
Store up to 60 trading cards
Includes 1 Scarlet & Violet trading card
Suitable for ages 6 and up
Product Name
Trading Card Game: Mini Portfolio
Recommended Minimum Age
6 years
Model Number
Manufacturer's Warranty - Parts
Not Available
Manufacturer's Warranty - Labor
Not Available
Trading Card Type
Mini Portfolio
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Customers have good things to say about the Trading Card Game: Mini Portfolio. They appreciate it as a gift item and for its portability. Customers also mention that it is a nice small pack good for storing Pokémon cards and that it comes with a booster pack. However, some customers feel that the size is too small and would prefer a larger portfolio.
This summary was generated by AI based on customer reviews.
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