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I remember playing this game in the arcade in the mid 1990s. Dazzler was a playable character, along with Colossus, Cyclops, Nightcrawler, Storm, and Wolverine. Unfortunately, Gambit was not included in the game - at least not in the arcade in Center City Philly where I used to play after school.
Sorry, there was a problem. Please try again later.Gambit was on the saga game. Dazzler was a well known character in the beginning years and they ended up replacing her with jubilee
Sorry, there was a problem. Please try again later.It's always been Dazzler. Played the actual cabinet at my local Pizza Hut as a kid. Gambit came a little later if I'm not mistaken... I think around the same time as rogue and jubilee.
Sorry, there was a problem. Please try again later.I remebr it being dazzler but she is pretty lame xmen she is a weaker version of jubilee
Sorry, there was a problem. Please try again later.Your memory is faulty
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