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I know on the Disney plus app the Original Trilogy movies are new 4k transfers (2012?) based on the SE 1997 Negatives, with most of the 2004 and 2011 Blu-ray changes put back in and better color timing/sound mixes then the old 2004 masters that the 2011-2019 Blu-ray also used. No word on if the restored original unaltered cuts will be included at least in HD quality. The Prequels are most likely the same files used to create the 2011-2019 Blu-ray, up-scaled with a (very) slightly different color timing and sound mixes. The Sequels will most likely be the same as the Blu-ray and 4k already in stores, or soon to be The special features will probably be everything released on all the DVD and Blu-ray/digital copies of the past. Maybe some archived stuff as well.
Sorry, there was a problem. Please try again later.The prequel trilogy and episodes 5 and 6 are the same versions as the original blu-ray release of the saga, Star Wars (A New Hope) episode 4 is the most recent 2019 altered version released on Disney+, and three theatrical versions of the sequel trilogy are what you get as far as the movies in the set in blu-ray and 4k blu-ray transfers. The rest of the discs are bonus/special features.
Sorry, there was a problem. Please try again later.The unaltered versions are not going to be released. There are versions out there but nothing official. It's a pain but no one except those who have seen the unaltered versions care, as there is not enough of a market for a profit. Best option is to get the 2004 DVDs if you want a hard copy.
Sorry, there was a problem. Please try again later.No versions from the 1977, 1980, 1983 theatrical run are going to be in this set nor will they be officially on Blu-ray or 4K. You can get a DVD copy of it from 2004, but the quality of those are dreadful. I know, I had them and threw them out. You can get the 1995 THX VHS and Laserdisc versions, still. Good luck on the machines playing them though as they are becoming extinct.
Sorry, there was a problem. Please try again later.I can’t believe BB is not providing this information. In the U.K., this item is available from Amazon. To see a full description in your Amazon app: Pancake menu> Settings> Country & Language> Change Country/Region to United Kingdom. When you return to change back, you’ll find a new option to quickly return to your original country. It appeared to me the 1977 version of A New Hope is not included, and I’m not surprised. It’s Marketing 101 to hold the originals and the Ep I to IV 3Ds for future upsells. (pre-Mouse, Ep I 3D was theatrically released and II 3D was shown at D23. Therefore, at least Ep IV 3D likely exists, if not all four. Wouldn’t George have commissioned all six on a cost basis?)
Sorry, there was a problem. Please try again later.The unaltered original 3 films (not the SE 1997 editions) will never be released in any digital format (DVD, BD, 4K, etc). The only way anyone can get them is to already have or find the original VHS releases.
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