Making Hybrid Work Easier on Your Body and Mind

Alternating between working at home and working at the office can be a welcome routine. Not only does it reduce the amount of time you commute during the week, but it can also give your more time for yourself and your family.
However, it can also pose challenges, particularly when it comes to lugging what you need back and forth between two locations and ensuring your at-home work time does not interfere with your at-home leisure time. Keep reading to learn how to make the most of your hybrid work arrangement and find peace of mind at the same time.
Invest in ergonomic office equipment
As a hybrid worker, you probably spend a lot of time at your desk, especially on the days you are at home. In an office, it’s common to get up, walk to other employees’ offices to chat or move to a conference room for a meeting. But in your home workspace, all your communication takes place on your computer or your phone, meaning you can find yourself sitting for hours on end.
Since you might be sitting in the same position for some time, taking care of your back, neck, and shoulders should be a priority. Your choice of office chair can make all the difference between chronic neck and shoulder pain and a supported spine and musculature. For example, it’s important to choose an ergonomic chair that encourages you to sit up straight rather than hunching forward, which can lead to back pain.
You might also consider a standing desk or a standing desk converter that will allow you to get up on your feet for portions of the day. While standing all day can be too much, standing for a few hours or more will revitalize your posture and engage your abdominal and leg muscles.
Take breaks
If you like to break things up by moving to a couch or armchair for a change of scenery, using a lap desk is a great way to improve your laptop’s stability and encourage good posture while typing. Another benefit of moving to different spots in your home is that you might find more focus or get your second wind to finish the day strong.
Whether you’re at the office or the home office, make sure to schedule break times for yourself. Use those break times to get up, take a short walk outside, stretch, meditate, or make a cup of coffee. No matter what you do, it’s good to give your eyes time away from a screen. Although it may be easy to get sucked into using break time to browse the internet, catch up on news, or scroll through social media, it’s vital to your overall health and wellness to find options that move your body, calm your mind and give your eyes a chance to engage with the world around you.
Get the right bag for your body
Since you’ll likely be toting a laptop, hard drives, and laptop accessories to and from the office, it’s necessary to get the right bag for the task. Consider both the weight of the bag when it’s empty along with how it will feel when it’s loaded up with all the essentials. Plus, you want to be able to access your equipment easily and not feel burdened by a bulky bag while on the go. Thanks to the abundance of options available, it is possible to combine function and style when choosing what works best for your needs.
A laptop backpack is an excellent choice if you tend to carry a lot of heavy material. Do keep in mind that the backpack should be worn properly to prevent back pain; slinging it casually over one shoulder will not distribute the weight properly. Some work backpacks feature wheels on the bottom, so you can roll it when it’s at capacity.
A laptop briefcase is a classic option and so is an updated messenger bag. These are both good if you need to get in and out of your bag regularly while traveling by air and commuting on public transportation. Being able to grab a snack, along the way help saves time or you might want to catch up on the latest book you’ve downloaded to your e-reader.
Set work parameters at home and at the office
Start by identifying the environmental factors that help you achieve the greatest productivity. Then, see if you can find ways to create those elements in both your office space and at-home workspace.
At the office, consider using noise-cancelling headphones if sounds from surrounding activities tend to distract you from the tasks at hand. There are models that feature the option to play instrumental music, calming white noise, or nature-based sounds that help you focus.
At home, make sure you have a designated space for work. Ideally, this space might be self-contained and does not overlap with areas you use for leisure time; you want to be able to separate yourself fully from work at the end of each day. If listening to music relaxes you, have a Bluetooth speaker nearby to play something soothing or uplifting, depending on your mood.
To ensure you spend your time wisely, make sure you stick to a regular work schedule when at home. Otherwise, work can preoccupy your time and attention even when you have the chance to relax and hang out with family and friends. Help keep yourself accountable by setting a timer on your smartwatch or phone to let you know when it’s time to shut down for the day. If you follow these suggestions for having a realistic work-life balance, you’ll find more satisfaction in your hybrid office setup.