1-10 of 10 Answers
64 GB is actually about 59.5 GB of storage storage. If your pics are 24 MB is size, you should get about 2400+ pics on there (if nothing else is stored). Hope this helps.
Sorry, there was a problem. Please try again later.I have a canon digital camera that i down loaded pictures from and i also down loaded pictures from my phone to this device. It is wonderful for pictures. It takes less time to put pictures on. Very good quality and I am impressed with the pictures that I have printed from this item.
Sorry, there was a problem. Please try again later.You should have no problem with it holding the number of pictures you have.
Sorry, there was a problem. Please try again later.More photos than you can imagine. I have over 1000 pics on one, and I have plenty of storage room left.
Sorry, there was a problem. Please try again later.What's a milligram picture? I'm going to guess autocorrect auto-mistaked you? It should be in excess of 4000. Taking away some of the memory on the storage device for the programming on it.
Sorry, there was a problem. Please try again later.400 photos
Sorry, there was a problem. Please try again later.The capacity depends on what format you have your camera set for. I can't be more specific since I don't know what camera you are using. Some point and shoots have different settings: { Normal, Fine, Best) or (jpg, bmp, raw) etc. What you choose will determine how many pictures you can get on a thumb drive.
Sorry, there was a problem. Please try again later.it will hold around 2,300 pictures
Sorry, there was a problem. Please try again later.it's going to be dependent on the memory size on the camera as well as the resolution you select for your photos. The higher the image quality the larger the image file requiring more storage on the camera.
Sorry, there was a problem. Please try again later.I don't believe you meant 24Mg it is not a pill (mg = milligram). Megapixels goes to file size of pictures. To answer your question, each picture you take is a different file size do to the amount of data the camera can capture. More light = larger file. Also the setting you set the camera for for quality also goes to size so the capacity of a flash memory to whole blank number of pictures varies. Look at the size of your pictures and divide into size of memory card. Average, and I mean Av. is 3.?MB -5.?MB. It is a thousand MB's to a GB. I hope this hepls...
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