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The Singing Machine would like to Thank You for taking the time to submit your question about the SMM-107 Unidirectiona Dynamic Wireless Microphone. We apologize for our delay in responding to your question and sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused you. Our wireless microphone is primarily intended to be used with our Singing Machine products, but many customers are able to use it with their personal electronics. To determine if our SMM107 works with your LG speaker, you will need to check with the capabilities and compatibility of your LG Speaker. The microphone is intended to be used with a Microphone Jack with a 6.3mm Mic Jack. It does not work with an Audio Jack. If you are not sure if your speaker can accommodate the use of our SMM107, we suggest reaching our to an LG support tech and checking with them. We hope this information is helpful to you. Should you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact our customer service department at (866) 670-6888. Our hours of operations are Monday - Friday from 9am - 5:30pm EST. Or you may email our customer service team at: [email protected]. Thank you for choosing The Singing Machine for your karaoke enjoyment. #CreatingJoyThroughMusic
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