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How to get your printer back online.

Was your printer working fine, but now it's offline or doesn't show up in your list of available printers? Here are some tips that could help get you back online.

Try a power cycle first.

If you haven't already done a power cycle, it's possible these easy steps will get you back online. 

1. Turn off the printer and unplug the power cord from the printer itself.

2. Turn off the computer.

3. Wait 30 seconds and turn on the computer.

4. Plug the printer power cord back into the printer and turn the printer on.

5. Check the functionality of the printer.

If this doesn't resolve your printer issue, try the following steps for Windows or Mac.

Directions for Windows (Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 and 10).

If the power cycle didn't do the trick, here are two ways within Windows to access your printer settings. From there, you can check if your printer is set to be offline. 

Access your printer settings using the Run window:

1. On the keyboard, hold the Windows key and press "R."

2. Type "control panel" in the popup window.

3. Click "OK" or "Run" (depending on your version of Windows).

4. If the control panel app opens in category mode, click on the "View by" drop down in the upper right of the window and choose either "Large icons" or "Small icons."

5. Double click on "Devices and Printers."

Access your printer settings using the taskbar.

1. Look for a printer icon. If you don't see one, click on the small arrow to see your hidden icons. When you hover over the printer icon, it should show any pending documents.

2. Right click on the printer icon and select "Open Devices and Printers."

Check if your printer is offline.

Now that you've accessed your printer settings, check to see if your printer is set to be offline:

1. Right click on your printer and select “See what’s printing.”

2. Click on “Printer” at the top left in the menu bar.

3. If "Use Printer Offline" is checked, please uncheck it. 

4. Try printing your document.


Directions for MacOS.

Keep in mind that these steps will require you to remove and re-add your printer. There are two ways you can do this:

Using the Dock printer icon.

1. Within your Dock, please click on the printer icon (you can manage your pending documents here, as well).

2. Once the "Printers & Scanners" menu is open, look for your printer in the "Printers" window. Right click (or Control-Click) on your printer, and then select "Reset printing system."

3. This will remove the printer. Click on the "+" symbol at the bottom of the "Printers" window to re-add the printer.

Using System Preferences.

1. Click the Apple Menu (Apple icon in the top left corner of your screen).

2. Select "System Preferences."

3. Select "Printers & Scanners."

4. Look for your printer in the "Printers" window. Right click (or Control-Click) on your printer, and then select "Reset printing system."

5. This will remove the printer. Click on the "+" symbol at the bottom of the "Printers" window to re-add the printer.