A:Answerwell my whirlpool washer broke down after about 3 yrs , but lucky ive got geek squad protection , Right , nope Wrong , when i broke i called the geek squad and they sent out a repairman with 4 days this was pretty good , unfortunately he did nothing and said the washer needed 2 parts a little part and a big part , he said it should only take about 3 days to arrive and to call back when i get the parts, well the little part did take 3 days to arrive however the big part didnt arrive so i gave the geek squad a little call and ask them how long before i get the big part well suprise im looking at waiting another 21 business days (over a month in total before they even get the part) this is not a rare part and its not a rare company its whirlpool , but i was told that these companys send out all their parts in bulk and that im just going to have to wait over month before they decide to send all these parts out to all these different customers , so if your considering buy a geek squad protection plan ( or anything whirlpool for that matter ) its worth considering that if anything bigger than a broken dial occurs you may be having to wait for parts and then have to make a appt for installation of the parts which cant take over a month to get the parts and then several weeks for installation (6 to 8 wks in total ) for me i would not have bought this plan had i known what i know now ,
A:AnswerWhere do I find my Geek Squad Protection Plan number?
You'll find the number on your original receipt. If you bought your Plan recently, you will also have received a "for your records" e-mail shortly after you made your purchase that will contain your Plan number. If you've lost your receipt or can't find this e-mail, just give us a call and we will help you track down your Plan number.Call 1-800-433-5778
A:AnswerI dont think this Geek Squad protection plan is that effective, would suggezt not to extend it. I bought 3 years protection when I was buyimg my washer and dryer, now when my dryer has malfuction and I called Geek Squad their response is that they would charge $99.99 just to come and check in case my apartment's air hoses are problem. Service not up to expectations.
A:AnswerHi Jennifer. Thanks for your great question. We totally hear you out on that one and should be able to cover the cost of the re-installation following this exchange. I hope this helps! Please let us know if we can clarify anything further.
A:AnswerThe same thing happened to me the only difference with me was they didnt fix it they brong me another brand new one so if you have a 3 year protection plan you should b e able to recive a new one
A:AnswerWhen you got the new one you should have been offered to purchase a new warranty so that your 3 years starts from there unless they replaced it under manufacturing warranty.
A:AnswerThanks for your question! We should be able to look into this issue for you. For support with this, please call us at (800) GEEK-SQUAD or (800) 433-5778.
A:AnswerThanks for your question, Wanda. The full terms and conditions for your plan can be reviewed any time at www.geeksquad.com/termsconditions. We do offer support in Puerto Rico.
A:AnswerAs far as I know from the dates I have seen given on any of my contracts, it goes from your date of purchase. Purchasing Geek Squad Protection isn’t worth the money anymore. It used to be, but it isn’t anymore.