A:AnswerHello, yes these banana plugs will work perfectly for that speaker wire. The banana plugs use a series of set screws to tighten down onto the speaker wire. Just tighten the screws onto the cable to make a secure connection and you'll be good.
A:AnswerThese work quite well, actually. the design of these "connectors" allows for significant contact between the wire itself and the connector surface via the "screws". I used them on 11 and 14 gage wire and am pleased with the results of the connectivity they offer. Plus, they save time in the assembly process. Can't address the "look", only the effectiveness of the intended purpose. Hope this helps.
A:AnswerIf you have speaker wire with four strands you can braid them into pairs. Your bi-wire cable should have four colors of wire, at each end just pick two of the colors and braid the bare wire together, then do the same at the other end and repeat with the other two colors. Then take this connector and put it on the end of the braided wire and there you go you have two conductor speaker cable. Here is a video I found that talks about this, in fact, that is why I bought these connectors because I used them on this exact wire. https://youtu.be/XuqXoNAnXLU
A:AnswerYes, you can. Make sure hand and/ or plug surface isn't slick from oil contaminants.
Wipe off with micro fiber or paper towel dampened with isopropyl alcohol, then cover hand with rubber glove. You can also wrap both parts with rubber band and succeed.
Typically, none of the aforementioned steps are necessary, other than clean and dry hands, because they're new and in box.