1-2 of 2 Answers
Actually, I went into the BIOS/UEFI menu and disabled the "USB Always On" feature. Now, you would think that if something was not plugged into the USB port (and it wasn't), it wouldn't drain the battery, but the battery did lose it's charge as I mentioned in the original question. After I disabled this feature, the battery held it's charge over several hours after shut down.
Sorry, there was a problem. Please try again later.Hey, PeteM3. Based off certain features built into Windows and device features, by default, your device when "shutdown", it can go into a sort of low power mode that can still use power. By changing some settings, this can be decreased. Here's a link to a Microsoft Support forum (https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/windows-insider-program/windows-11-battery-draining-while-shutdown/m-p/2729770) where some users share what eventually worked for them.
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