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I believe that it’s all 9 movies on 4K, all 9 movies on blu-ray, and extras for all 9 movies on blu-ray (one blu per film).
Sorry, there was a problem. Please try again later.trying to look it up also. I am guessing they each have 2 discs. One 4k, one blu ray each. hopefully they have a lot more extras on a a couple of other discs. just wish it came in steel book. Thanks
Sorry, there was a problem. Please try again later.I can’t believe BB is not providing this information. In the U.K., this item is available from Amazon. To see a full description in your Amazon app: Pancake menu> Settings> Country & Language> Change Country/Region to United Kingdom. When you return to change back, you’ll find a new option to quickly return to your original country. It appeared to me the 1977 version of A New Hope is not included, and I’m not surprised. It’s Marketing 101 to hold the originals and the Ep I to IV 3Ds for future upsells. (pre-Mouse, Ep I 3D was theatrically released and II 3D was shown at D23. Therefore, at least Ep IV 3D likely exists, if not all four. Wouldn’t George have commissioned all six on a cost basis?)
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