A:AnswerAs it is marked as GPS + Cellular, it has the necessary hardware to have its own cellphone line. It just means you don't need to carry your iPhone with you to make a call via this watch. I have a GPS only Apple Watch and when the iPhone is nearby and connected via Wifi?Bluetooth I can answer the call via my watch. Kinda sorta like Dick Tracy's 2-Way wrist TV. Well...kinda. Not sorta. LOL!
Either version of this watch will serve you well. So far, I don't really miss not having a watch that is also a standalone cell phone as I have my iPhone with me most of the day. And yes. The extra phone line for the watch will cost your whatever you carrier charges for another line.
A:AnswerYou should be able to trade your 5 for a discount on the 7. Check with your wireless company for their sales. Best Buy may also help you navigate the purchase.
A:AnswerBoth tell the time. The main difference that I’ve seen (never actually had an android watch) is the proprietary that apple has on the watch. What I mean by this is while you have players in the android based phones both tech and luxury brand names making smart watches, apple restricts fundamental capabilities where google doesn’t.
The reason to buy apple is if you own multiple apple products, it seamlessly communicates with those product to help you tackle tasks effortlessly.
A few features use daily:
- Apple TV remote
- unlocks MacBook when watch is being warn and unlocked
- Apple Pay at checkout
- just started fitness + and it’s ALOT better than I thought it would be. Bringing this up because it natively communicates with you watch
Android phones can be used with apple products but requires apps to be running in the background and the full feature suite just isn’t there for them.
Also - typed on my iPhone - sorry for typos