A:Answer1.3 miles / 19 miles per hour x 60 minutes in an hour= 4 min 6 seconds (4.1 minutes). That is riding at max speed in a straight line with no obstacles. So, you will have to add time for obstacles, pedestrians, traffic, traffic lights etc. I would estimate 10 minutes would be about right.
A:AnswerIt comes with a digital lock that you can use with the app. It will disable it with the click of a button. It’s very nice. It does not come with a chain lock though. Seeing as it weighs less than 50 lbs, you might want to invest in a chain lock for when your leaving it in public.
A:AnswerA watt (W) is a unit of measurement of power. Watts therefore refer to the power of your device. Examples: an incandescent lamp has a power of 60 W. your microwave oven has a maximum power of 900 W.