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Rating 4.5 out of 5 stars with 7150 reviews

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Page 2 Showing 21-40 of 7,150 reviews
  • Rated 5 out of 5 stars

    It is a good movie to watch

    Posted . Owned for 2 months when reviewed.
    This reviewer received promo considerations or sweepstakes entry for writing a review.

    Like everything about the movie it was amazing I love it

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  • Rated 4 out of 5 stars

    Fun movie but a bit different than the first

    Posted . Owned for 5 months when reviewed.
    This reviewer received promo considerations or sweepstakes entry for writing a review.

    Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom is a direct sequel to Jurassic World. The park of course has been closed but now the island is unstable due to volcanic activity. Claire is now a part of a Dino Activist group who wants to save them and she recruits Owen (for some reason they decided to have them separated in this movie) to help her in tracking Blue (Velociraptor from the first film). However, not is all as it seems as her sponsor has more in mind then just rescuing the dinosaurs. This is where the movie takes a sinister turn complete with international entities vying for these creatures and the taboo of cloning being brought to the fore front. Of course, there has to be a more dangerous dinosaur presented as well. I won't spoil any more as you will have to watch it to gain the full picture. The movie is gorgeous in 4K and the sound is clear. The movie did come with a 4K digital copy as well. If you can stop taking the movie seriously and do not mind the shift in tone for the second half, you should enjoy it. Just understand, that gone is the wonder of the park scenes and horrors of saving civilians running rampant with dinos in the first movie. Now, you have messages of activism, corporate greed, taboo cloning and more international players - with some closed spaces involved in the second half. In some ways it is similar to Lost World Jurassic Park with some interesting plot devices. Hope you enjoy!

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  • Rated 3 out of 5 stars

    An Entertaining but Disappointing Jurassic Park En

    Posted .
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    Having been a fan of the Jurassic Park franchise since childhood, I'm well aware that the sequels to the 1993 original are a point of contention even amongst fans. That said, I've experienced the high points and low points of those sequels and can safely say that while it's not the worst sequel in the series (that honor goes to Jurassic Park III), it is also not the best one (that being The Lost World) and even though I saw Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom in theatres 3 times I still felt disappointed in it. Unfortunately, this film is the epitome of a mixed bag. Director J.A. Bayona and cinematographer Oscar Faura went a long way to making this perhaps the most visually pleasing entry in the series and were aided greatly by terrific practical (and digital) effects work but as we all should know by now visuals aren't everything. Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard reprise their roles and are as charismatic as ever but their characters show very little development over the previous film and if anything actually repeat their arcs in an almost beat-for-beat fashion. On top forgettable character arcs, this film makes some choices in the plot that may leave you scratching your head; without getting into spoilers there is a plot twist that occurs about 2/3 of the way into the film and while it makes sense in a thematic context it doesn't make sense in a narritive context and actually somewhat hampers the experience. Thankfully, the dinosaurs in this film are extraordinarily impressive on several levels. There's a large variety of them, they're backed by excellent visual effects, and little touches like how they interact with their environment make them feel more alive than ever—almost as though each beast has a personality of its own. Michael Giacchino returned to compose music for this film and did a stellar job in that respect, crafting what is possibly the best soundtrack in the series since that of The Lost World. Also worth noting is that this is the most tense entry since the second film, but at many points it feels like the plot is being stretched thin and these set-pieces serve as padding for a lack of narritive. This isn't to say that Fallen Kingdom doesn't advance the plot much or that it doesn't run very far with the idea of genetic power gone awry but that it does it in very short bursts. Adding on to that is that some of these more intense moments in the film evoke echoes from the first film. While these visual callbacks aren't bad in-and-of themselves many have taken a disliking for how often they occur in the runtime—I personally wasn't bothered by these references, youe mileage may vary. Capping this adventure off are two antagonists—a greedy man and a voracious dinosaur. The formers serves as a generic villain with motivations that (once again) make sense thematically but not narritively while the latter proves to be a threatening and imposing creature despite its seemingly short screentime. In all, if you're looking for Carnage and fanfare this movie will satiate your appetite but if you want a more meaty plot or more well-developed characters you may leave somewhat disappointed like I did. Positives: [+]Cinematography & general direction [+]Claustrophobic Feeling [+]Dinosaurs legitimately feel like living things Negatives: [-]Paper-Thin characters/character development [-]Questionable plot choices Overall: 6.5/10

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  • Rated 5 out of 5 stars

    Awesome fun and enjoyable

    Posted . Owned for 1.5 years when reviewed.
    This reviewer received promo considerations or sweepstakes entry for writing a review.

    If you loved "Jurassic World" and the "Jurassic Park" movies, this movie is a must-have for Dinosaur lovers who can't get enough of the "Jurassic Park" franchise. There's adventure, thrills, espionage, humor, interesting surprises, a new hybrid dinosaur among other dinosaurs., and Dr. Wu still alive and kicking! When will he get what should be coming to him?! It starts out with the abandoned park full of dinosaurs and one being a familiar dinosaur survivor that need to be rescued. The characters from the last story as well as new ones must rescue the magnificent dinosaurs from extinction-by-natural-disaster and prevent the saved dinosaurs from being exploited by greedy men. The dinosaurs are brought to a "Safe" location but not the intended place. Owen and Claire also face the moral dilemmas of saving dinosaur lives or letting them become extinct once again.

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  • Rated 4 out of 5 stars

    Emjoyable Movie

    Posted .
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    Fallen Kingdom is not Jurassic World, and metacrtic and Rotten Tomatoes confirms this. I belong in the group that enjoyed this movie. It is a well made film with its moment; however, what I like about this movie is that is break the formula. Yes the dinosaurs are still running round and eating the humans, but there is a character in this movie that moves the story forward. For people who have seen this movie, they might know who I am referring to. For people who haven't see the film, I do not want to reveal too much. Once the reveal was made, I was glad the movie went in that direction. I also enjoyed the ending because it was time the franchise broke away from the island formula. Overall, if I can sumamrize this movie, it is a set up for the next film in the franchise. As for the blu-ray, I bought the 4k company and it is one lovely looking film.

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  • Rated 5 out of 5 stars

    I Absolutely Loved this movie, but...

    Posted .
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    I Absolutely Loved this movie! On this 4K UHD, Special Collectors Edition Steelbook, The Picture is Amazing, However, at the Premium Price, $35 this is one 4K disc set that Demands BOTH Dolby Atmos and Dolby Vision. In fact even the regular 4K UHD set at the Premium price of $25 it should be included. With the Steelbook, it should be extra special for all that money. Give us what we payed for and don't cheat with lesser technologies like HDR 10 and DTS X. Save those inferior formats for the regular BluRay disc, or go one better and do the right thing by including them. This is a stellar Movie, and whth it's Royal Heritage, deserves the best especially at an inflated price most consumers refuse to pay. I don't mind paying more for a product that gives you more, but come one be honest and don't rip me off with a marketing scandal! I remember a time when Optical media offered the best home Movie quality. With the disease of Digital Streaming, The discs need to give consumers the incentive to pay the premium.

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  • Rated 5 out of 5 stars

    Need more 3D product!!! JW:FK good film

    Posted .
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    The movie preceding this was received better, but the studio put a lot of effort into marketing it as a return/reboot of the franchise (reboot as a continuation, however). This worked well as a sequel to that film, better than the original JP sequels did, IMHO. Luckily, for home viewing, JW:FK was available in 3D format, if you knew to look for it (BestBuy's circular certainly didn't mention it, and many other retailers, including online, didn't carry it). Tired of the industry hopscotching from one new format to the next. There are many of us who bought into the 3D format who now often have to hunt and peck for content, at least in the US, even if the films were shown in theaters in 3D! I'm all for 4K, but it would be great to have the 3D option added to multi-packs.

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  • Rated 5 out of 5 stars

    Great sequel, can't wait for the finale

    Posted . Owned for 1.5 years when reviewed.
    This reviewer received promo considerations or sweepstakes entry for writing a review.

    As a fan of the original movie, the books and in a way the sequels, Jurassic World was a great movie. Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom is a great sequel that takes the story even further, with the next one to add to that in a big way. Fallen Kingdom picks up a few years after the Jurassic World and brings back the original characters on a quest to save the dinosaurs from a volcano on the island that threatens their existence. Obviously there are other plot lines that come into play and it builds towards an ending that will leave you waiting for the next entry. As a upscaled 2K release this film looks great in HDR and sounds great with it's Atmos track. Highly recommended for fans of Jurassic Park and dinosaurs in general.

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  • Rated 4 out of 5 stars


    Posted .
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    Now that visual effects no longer have the "gee whiz" effect that they once had, movies of this kind have to rely more and more on the story. Case in point. The story here is less about getting the dinosaurs off the now-doomed island (is this the last of the island films?) and more about genetic mutation gone wrong. Again. Starting to see a theme here, kids? Clearly the raptors are the favored dinosaur, and in this case Blue holds her own. The new heavy, a Velociraptor/Indominus Rex hybrid and yes, the first male dinosaur in the series, is quite a beast and not to be taken lightly. He is a prototype created by our good pal, mad scientist Dr Wu. Once it inevidibly gets loose, mayhem ensues. Yay. This is not the strongest of the JP films but it's certainly better than the 2nd one in the series, the only other entry where a dinosaur (briefly) makes it to the mainland. Something that will surely be the main focus in the next entry. I mean, where else can they go?

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  • Rated 4 out of 5 stars

    A excellent but not fantastic sequel

    Posted .
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    Following up Jurassic World was going to be tough, and they mostly pulled it off. The characters reprise their roles albeit in slightly different moods/reversals from where they were last time. My major gripe with this movie is its a bit too heavy handed on the agenda pushing. Leftist/liberal propaganda is rife throughout the movie, from the global warming undertones of dinosaur extinction, to the strong social justice (lesbian?) doctor, the weak beta male assistant, the evil "white man" who calls one of the characters a "nasty woman", taking pot shots at President Trump in news reels, and the main thing...the extreme dumbing down of Bryce Dallas Howards character, she left the last movie a strong capable survivor only to in its sequel be timid and scared? Makes no sense. All that aside its still a fun action movie with some great action set pieces if not with ridiculously obvious foreshadowing at times.

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  • Rated 4 out of 5 stars

    A Fun Jurassic Park Movie

    Posted .
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    Hey, it's Jurassic Park! It's an entertaining movie bringing back pretty much everyone (that didn't die) from the first Jurassic World of 2015. It's fun, entertaining, freaky at times and funny! Chris Pratt, what can I say. He's hilarious in this movie... sometimes corny, but most of the time you can tell he's just having fun. This movie was a fun summer flick! It was also cool to see Jeff Goldblum make an appearance! It wasn't directed by the same guy who directed the first Jurassic World (Colin Trevorrow), but instead, he moved to the writers seat and let J.A. Bayona (The Orphanage & A Monster Calls) direct. Not bad. It seems Mr. Bayona knows a few things about monsters and creepiness in his movies and you can see that in this movie. It's a fun movie to watch when friends are over and you're just ready to have some fun.

    I would recommend this to a friend
  • Rated 4 out of 5 stars

    Great Special Effects; Not so great storyline

    Posted .
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    As we have come to expect from this franchise, the special effects are outstanding. The volcanic explosion is as impressive as any effect in any movie; maybe more so. My only qualm is that the entire story seems designed as a set-up for the next sequel in the series. I have never accepted the premise that reptiles, no matter how intelligent we're told they were (are), can be trained to obey human prompts whether by a clicker or hand gestures and voice commands. I know this works for zoo keepers but a 200 million year old carnivorous predator? Please. Then there is the last scene which I won't disclose for those who haven't seen it. This is a ludicrous attempt to set the table for the next movie in the series. If you buy this, buy it for the special effects and the acting (which is quite good) but don't expect a great storyline.

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  • Rated 4 out of 5 stars

    Dinosaur dogpile, Episode 5

    Posted .
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    So, here's the thing. I enjoyed the movie. I thought it admirably kept up the established notion that humanity doesn't respect the power of its own creations, and how that always ends badly for everyone who isn't a long-extinct oversized lizard. That said...while I was watching it for the first time, I had a random thought pop into my head: "Did Steve Spielberg direct this?" ...And I didn't know! I honestly couldn't remember, but I didn't want to stop the movie to find out! Turns out, no he didn't, but the way this movie was directed, there were shots that seemed to come right out of the Spielberg playbook! And I've seen quite a few Spielberg movies in my time! I honestly hope it was an intentional homage to Spielberg, like "Super 8" was. And I really liked that one, too!

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  • Rated 4 out of 5 stars

    Good, but not as good as JW1

    Posted .
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    This is a solid piece of entertaining fiction. It's not nearly as good as the first Jurassic World was when it was launched, but it is an enjoyable ride throughout. I think it was hurt a bit by making the humans more central to the story than the actual dinosaurs were. The dinosaurs were more like background plot devices in this movie than previous movies. Gorgeous visuals in 4K/HDR, but the most beautiful scenes are on the island in the beginning, and unfortunately they quickly migrate away from there. I honestly wish they would have had more island scenes instead of dark mansion scenes as the tropical island setting was practically a character in its own right throughout the Jurassic Park/World movies. That being said, this movie sets the series up for some interesting things in the future should they continue.

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  • Rated 4 out of 5 stars

    Love it or hate it, the 4k is beautiful

    Posted .
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    For all the bad reviews, of all the people I talked to that saw the latest entry in the Jurassic franchise only one didn't like it. That was my son. Fallen Kingdom wastes no time jumping into the action, having the audience more concerned for the fictional CGI animals than the humans. Chris Pratt does what he does and Bryce Howard brings a solid performance. Secondary and tertiary characters are questionable, but the actors' portrayals are acceptable. Regardless of your feelings about the movie itself (including the moving scene showing the final bow of the Braciosaur that started it all), the 4k UHD is the shining star. Every detail, both visual and audio blend to envelop the viewer in the experience. The same extras are featured on the Blu-ray, so the 4k is all about the ultimate movie experience.

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  • Rated 5 out of 5 stars

    Jurassic World - Part 2 (Fallen Kingdom)

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    Yes - there will be a part 3 (unknown name at this time). I thought this film was great. It revolves around Claire (Bryce Dallas Howard) and Owen (Chris Pratt) leading a team back to Isla Nublar to save several species of dinosaurs after an active volcano threatens all life there. The plan is to relocate the dinosaurs to a new island sanctuary but it doesn't quite work out that way. It is an enjoyable film with lots of action and great CGI and I am curious to know what they will do for the third film due out 2021. They have hinted over the years that the bad guys may be trying to weaponise dinosaurs. It was talked about briefly in Jurassic World and they kind of set that scenario up in this film. Can’t wait to see what happens next.

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  • Rated 4 out of 5 stars

    An amazing 4K version, overall glad I got it.

    Posted .
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    I wasn't even sure I was going to get this movie on disc at first, it was kind of a disappointment to me when I saw it in the theater. But I love the Jurassic Park franchise, and turns out I can't resist a Steelbook when its on sale. And I thought that maybe this would also get better with multiple viewings. It was better the second time around, it's not going to become a favorite anytime soon, but it's enjoyable enough. I think a lot of the improvement came from the 4K version, it is an amazing 4K disc, the black levels were striking to me and my favorite technical aspect of this disc. Overall if you enjoyed the movie I do recommend the 4K version as a great technical viewing experience, and the Steelbook looks a little bit better in person, it does to me anyway.

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  • Rated 4 out of 5 stars

    A Fun Popcorn Movie

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    While this film does not reach the heights of the original Jurassic Park and I personally found the first Jurassic World to be overall superior, I still think that Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom is a fun time in the "Popcorn Movie" type of way. The strongest part is J.A. Bayona's directing in this film. He has a great eye for framing shots and uses beautiful cinematography. The actors are all fun to watch and there are some great set pieces and visual effects. I just think the script could have been stronger in the second half of the film and the characters could have been more engaging. Overall, though, I liked this film and would recommend the 4K to anyone who did. I just wish the artwork they went with for the Steelbook was better and more inspired.

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  • Rated 4 out of 5 stars

    Fantastic Jurassic...

    Posted .
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    As with many second effort films, this one is not as good as the first in the rebirth of this series. But it is still worthy my hard earned money. I think the ending is rather lame. There. I said it. L A M E, lame. What is it Deadpool says in DP2? "That's just lazy writing". The special effects are up to the task and the actors and actresses (see...I know the women are really called ACTRESSES!) are too. I so enjoyed the first film in this reboot that I bought this one too and I really don't have an regrets. It's good. Not great. Good. And nothing is wrong with good. I recommend it for a nice rainy day (or evening) filled with thunder and lighting and a good hard shower. Trust me...I know what I'm doin' when I'm reviewin'.

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  • Rated 4 out of 5 stars

    Great Movie, Sad Storyline

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    Like all Jurassic Park movies, the dinosaurs are the center of the storyline. However, unlike the others, this flick almost broke my heart. I understand that dinosaurs were extinct, but for man to make the decision to let them die an extremely painful death was disheartening to say the least. How like man to play God by creating them and then letting them be destroyed as well. But, as with most Scifi flicks, some came to their rescue. There were so many emotional ups and downs in this movies, I got tired of getting tears in my eyes. In the end though, a few survived- with Blue leading the way. Needless to say, there are plenty of ways that Jurassic Park can continue the story. Can't wait till the next one.

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