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Rating 4.7 out of 5 stars with 2976 reviews

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Page 6 Showing 101-120 of 2,976 reviews
  • Rated 5 out of 5 stars

    Into Darkness

    Posted .
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    The best Star Trek sequel to date. they picked the perfect actor to play the bad guy. Just cant believe the guy who played Checkoff is actually dead due to a freak car malfunction / accident. The actor showed so much promise. He seemed to almost be the main chatter in the third movie.He did such a great job in all the movies. He will be missed but not forgotten.

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  • Rated 5 out of 5 stars

    Great movie

    Posted . Owned for less than 1 week when reviewed.
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    Great action packed movie. Typical kind of Star Trek action and humor. Great third part to this series. Great cast of characters. & No it's not the original but don't be a hater, give this movie series a try because their pretty good on their own.

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  • Rated 5 out of 5 stars

    A Must-Have for your UHD Collection

    Posted .
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    I'm already a huge fan on these new Star Trek movies, and even though I already owned this on blu-ray, there was no question I wanted the UHD version. This already looked amazing at 1080p, but the new UHD version really adds a new level of detail and the colors are lush and vibrant. If you have a UHD player, this will be a great addition to your collection.

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  • Rated 4 out of 5 stars

    Great Trek Sequel in the Alternate Timeline

    Posted .
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    I really enjoyed this sequel in the rebooted alternate timeline of the Star Trek movie franchise. I particularly like most of the re0imagined storyline of Wrath of Kahn. However, Cumberbatch was not necessarily a good fit to play Kahn, although his performance was fantastic. The visuals and special effects were outstanding, regardless of some less than accurate physics, i.e. the Enterprise being underwater and insanely long range portable transporter. Being a fan of the original series and movie franchise, I still applaud this movie for continuing on its alternate timeline.

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  • Rated 5 out of 5 stars

    Enjoyable movie with a Stunning 4K experience!!!!

    Posted .
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    This is why someone like me invested in 4K. This is a reference quality presentation of a very good movie (and yes I liked it even though The Wrath of a khan is my favorite Star Trek movie). The IMAX scenes literally pop off the screen with such detail and color. The cast is great again and the action is intense. Recommended especially for videophiles.

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  • Rated 4 out of 5 stars

    Worthy Sequel

    Posted .
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    The reboot of Star Trek isn't without its critics, but I for one enjoy the new cast. What made Into Darkness a worthy sequel was the bad guy, Khan, played by the talented Benedict Cumberbatch. The best action movies have a villain that can match wits or exceed the intelligence and skills of the heroes, and I feel that in this movie. I also really enjoyed the opening scene, which captured my interest right from the start. Worthy edition to the Star Trek movie collection.

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  • Rated 5 out of 5 stars

    Excellent Sci-Fi Movie

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    I never really got into the Star Trek series, was always a Star Wars junky. However upon watching the first installment of this adaptation, I was hooked into the Trek world. This sequel is what sequels are made to be, just as exciting, superb follow up acting, and fantastic visuals all throughout the entire film. I bought it on DVD before I had even seen the movie, and I was not disappointed at all.

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  • Rated 5 out of 5 stars

    Wrath of Kahn reboot

    Posted . Owned for 7 months when reviewed.
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    This movie is like a reboot of the 1982 film Star Trek II: Wrath of Kahn. I think this one is better with all the new computer generated special effects and great new breed of actors like Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, and Benedict Cumberbatch as Kahn.

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  • Rated 5 out of 5 stars

    great 2nd movie

    Posted .
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    Not many movies make a great 2nd follow up movie. And doing a Star Trek follow up would be a challenage. Well the challenage went past all my fears and ended up to be a super movie. The first movie had all new characters for a Star Trek and as the movie went on in it's story you got settled down with the new people. When the 2nd movie came out you knew the cast so the focus was on the plot and it was great.

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  • Rated 5 out of 5 stars

    Another great addition to the Star Trek franchise

    Posted .
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    The "Star Trek" universe continues to grow with this fine addition. It has plenty of action in a well scripted story. Just as in the 2009 version, I truly enjoy the interplay between Kirk and Spock as they work together to save the universe once again. Personally, I would rank this sequel behind the earlier version primarily because of the originality the first one showed in reimagining the "origin" story.

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  • Rated 5 out of 5 stars

    One of the best of the Star Trek Movies...

    Posted .
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    I was surprised that this was as good as it was. Star Trek has been around a long time and I thought they might have run out of good material. They haven't. The introduction of a character from the old series and one of the previous movies was a good idea and it worked well in connection with the plot. Again great performances from all the cast. Loved it from start to end. A must see in my opinion.

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  • Rated 5 out of 5 stars

    Great film for long-time Trek fans and new fans

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    As a long-time Trekkie, I was apprehensive about the new films. I really enjoyed the first, and I love this sequel even more. It had many nods back to the storyline of Wrath of Khan and it was done tastefully. I think it's a great way to introduce a younger generation into the Star Trek universe and the new films will help open the door to everything else that came before them.

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  • Rated 5 out of 5 stars

    The best one yet

    Posted .
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    What can I say about Star Trek Into Darkness. In my opinion, this is hands down the best out of the new series of star trek movies. The visuals are insane on the 4k version. The sound quality will blow you away. If you don't own this, I highly recommend adding this to your collection. You will not be disappointed.

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  • Rated 5 out of 5 stars

    I'm a fan

    Posted .
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    Let's start with the basis that I'm a fan, and unless they really screw it up, I'm going to give 5 stars. In this case, they didn't screw it up, but I didn't enjoy it as much as its predecessor. It lacked the big, surprising conflict feel of the first. It did however hold my attention and interest. I did feel that it continued the building the character relationships.

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  • Rated 5 out of 5 stars

    Space adventure

    Posted . Owned for 1 week when reviewed.
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    Definitely a must have for any Star Trek fan's movie collection. The special effects are outstanding. This movie will not disappoint. Loved it. On top of that, I got the movie at a great price.

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  • Rated 4 out of 5 stars

    Very good 2nd installment

    Posted .
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    Into Darkness has too much story for one movie. The latest installment of the Trek franchise mashes together the Original Series episode “Space Seed,” which introduces Khan and establishes the foundations of his later eponymous fury, The Wrath of Khan minus the Genesis plot, and a bit from The Undiscovered Country. That’s a lot for one movie, and the plot suffers for it. The pacing is choppy, racing past plot holes and lingering on hand-to-hand combat. On the plus side the cast is excellent and most of the dialogue feels natural and well written.

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  • Rated 5 out of 5 stars


    Posted .
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    As all Star Trek movies, this is also a gem. I'm very impressed with the production quality of each included version. The 4K UHD disc is stellar!, BluRay looks and sounds Terrific and iTunes download on my iPhone did not disappoint. A great value not to need to buy on different formats, but have versatility to watch again and again.

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  • Rated 5 out of 5 stars

    Great movie if you are a fan or not!

    Posted .
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    Starts off slow and builds the rest of the way. The cast is once again an almost perfect selection to the people they are representing! Dr. McCoy and Scottie are perfect. Where did they find these guys??? Super effects and great cast make this movie a 5 star rating lock. You will not be sorry and the 4K version is theater quality! Do it today.

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  • Rated 4 out of 5 stars

    Must see for trekkies and Sci-fi fanatics.

    Posted .
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    I loved this movie, but not as much as the first one. Into the Darkness was a great follow-up that leaves you wanting more of the same. The acting is superb, and characters believable as the precursers of the TV series. Spoiler alert: My biggest disappointment was that one of the pivotal (minor) characters from the TV series dies in this movie, and with that thread that runs true throughout all the Star Trek movies and the TV shows is broken. My amazement in the First Pre-quel was how flawless the characters and story matched the TV Series that I loved.

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  • Rated 4 out of 5 stars

    A worthy sequel that parallels the original Kahn

    Posted .
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    I will admit I am not a "Trekkie" but I do like the original "Wrath of Kahn" film. It is one of the best "Space Sci-Fi" movies ever made. That being said, "Into Darkness" does a great job of staying in an established franchise history by making parrallels to the original Kahn Star Trek stories without making too many "wink-wink-nod-nod" moments. The plot is better than most summer blockbusters and made by film makers that enjoy the history of Star Trek. The cast is great and while I love Simon Pegg, I never see him as Scotty, I see him as Shaun.

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