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Learn About Sony Hearing Aids

Hear what matters most.

Bringing hearing clarity to all.

Hearing loss is unique to each person — your hearing aids should be, too. Sony’s self-fitting over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aids are a do-it-yourself hearing solution tailored to you and your world. Developed with the understanding that one size does not fit all, these hearing aids come in two unique models that cover a range of needs in comfortable, convenient designs. With ultimate ease of use, customizable features, and Sony’s signature sound quality, every aspect is centered around your hearing needs and every moment is made crystal-clear.

Small design, big impact.

All-day hearing clarity* in two comfortable, compact designs that meet your specific needs and preferences.

Your perfect fit made easy.

Easily set up and fit your OTC hearing aids yourself, with customization at your fingertips in the Sony | Hearing Control app.*

Hear the best of every environment.

Adjusts and optimizes sound to deliver a better hearing experience wherever you go.

A collaboration of expertise.

Bringing WS Audiology’s hearing aid expertise to Sony’s trusted heritage of sound.

Are you experiencing hearing loss?

Take an online hearing assessment to help determine what hearing solution is the best for you. Sony’s self-fitting OTC hearing devices were developed for those with perceived signs of mild to moderate hearing loss.
Online hearing assessment requires plugged-in or paired headphones. Powered by hearX Group.

Sony OTC hearing aid videos.

Sony CRE-C10.

Crystal-clear hearing in a compact design.

Sony CRE-E10.

A comfortable design for everyday hearing.

Sony OTC hearing aid accessories

Supports amplification through two small vents on either side.
Supports amplification through two small vents on either side.

Hearing aid and hearing amplifier resources.

If you’ve recently purchased a hearing aid or amplifier and have questions, check out our resources.


All-day hearing clarity:

*Actual performance varies based on settings, environmental conditions, and usage.

Sony | Hearing Control app:

*Use the Sony | Hearing Control app on smartphone to personalize settings. Download app at Google Play and the App Store. Network services, content, operating system and software subject to terms and conditions and may be changed, interrupted or discontinued at any time and may require registration.